Catalina 马丁内斯: SBA’s Catalina 马丁内斯 on 公益性服务 Work: ‘Attorneys Have So Much Power to Help’

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When Small Business Administration (SBA) attorney and avid globetrotter Catalina 马丁内斯 talks about a recent trip, 她的声音充满了热情. “太棒了,”她滔滔不绝地说. “我非常非常幸运能够做到这一点.”

马丁内斯, who serves as district counsel for the SBA’s Washington Metropolitan Area District Office, 他来自卡塔赫纳, 哥伦比亚, 足迹遍及43个国家,令人瞠目结舌. 但这次她说的不是, 说, the remote Indonesian island where she went scuba diving last year. 她说的是佛罗里达州的迈阿密.

当飓风“厄玛”袭击美国东南部时.S. 和加勒比地区, 小企业管理局在招聘员工, 尤其是说西班牙语的人, willing to go to Florida to help people apply for low-interest, 长期贷款以取代毁坏的财产. 从九月底到十一月底, 马丁内斯 traded her desk in Washington for 9 to 14 hours a day at a makeshift office on a college campus in Miami. She 说s the need was so great that victims of both Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria, 飓风艾玛过后不久袭击了波多黎各, 凌晨两点开始在办公室外面排队.m.

“Many times I had to take a break and go out and cry because the stories were just so sad,马丁内斯说。. It’s impossible for her to 说 which story impacted her the most. 是22岁的癌症患者损失了20美元吗,000 of his chemotherapy drug because it couldn’t be refrigerated? 那个带着孩子的家庭, when the power went out in their high-rise apartment building in Puerto Rico, 要爬上爬下24层楼梯才能找到食物?

一天,一个女人从佛罗里达群岛开车过来, where she’d left behind her condemned mobile home and all her belongings. All she had been able to save were her dog and a few photos. 但马丁内斯说,这个女人很有韧性. “她说,‘它们只是一些东西 . . . 你知道吗,我们继续.’”

虽然时间很长,故事令人心碎, 马丁内斯 felt her spirits lift when she saw people “leave with some glimpse of hope.” All she had done, she 说s, was “speak to them in their language, and listen to them.”

It’s no surprise that 马丁内斯 finds service so fulfilling; pro bono work is what first piqued her interest in the law. 马丁内斯 had long dreamed of working for 哥伦比亚’s foreign service, but her family fled the country in 1999 due to violence and political unrest. After graduating from Florida International University with degrees in international relations and economics, 马丁内斯 followed a friend’s example and began working as a paralegal in D.C.

一开始,这只是一份工作. 然后她去帮一个澳门赌场官网处理一个公益案件. 中产阶级化改变了这座城市, landlords seeking to empty apartments to fill them with wealthier tenants were trying to oust low-income residents—some of them immigrants—by any means possible, 包括雇人冒充移民局官员. Helping her employer change the lives of these tenants by representing them pro bono, 马丁内斯感到“受到鼓舞”.” She entered law school, graduating from American University Washington College of Law in 2009.

作为一名澳门赌场官网,服务是马丁内斯日常工作的重要组成部分. She coordinates the SBA’s pro bono program* and volunteers twice a year at the D.C. 酒吧公益中心的 建议 & 咨询诊所. 自2009年以来, 她参与了11个公益案件, several of them housing cases placed with her through the Center’s 宣传 & 正义的诊所. “I love being able to represent people who don’t believe they have a voice,” she 说s.

She has seen that tenants who feel powerless put up with shocking conditions, 从老鼠和蟑螂到没有窗户和暖气. One woman 马丁内斯 represented was being evicted for not paying rent after her landlord had refused to fix a number of housing code violations, 包括霉菌和霉, 害虫, 屋顶和水管漏水, 等. 马丁内斯 helped file a counterclaim against the landlord, who was ordered to get the apartment fixed. The woman, who had spent a year homeless before moving into the apartment, was elated.

On a visit to different tenant, 马丁内斯 stepped into a basement flooded with sewage. “我想我把那些鞋子扔了,”她挖苦地说. But she 说s it’s essential to visit clients in their homes. “You really feel what they’re going through if you see the conditions they’re forced to live in.”

马丁内斯最近的案子是通过 住房辩护权项目, in which she was partnered for mentorship with the 公益性服务 Center. A disabled elderly woman was being evicted after her subsidy provider, the D.C. 房屋委员会(房委会), had stopped paying its portion of the rent due to housing code violations, 包括臭虫, 前门的锁坏了, 热量不足. 马丁内斯 was able to get the landlord to fix the apartment so that DCHA would continue paying, 老妇人被免除了拖欠房租的责任. Now 马丁内斯 is going above and beyond and helping her find a better place to live.

尽管她有一份全职工作,还有无偿的案子, 马丁内斯 is looking forward to adding more countries to her list in 2018. But her real resolution is to help other lawyers discover the rewards of pro bono work. Lawyers might fear that they’ll be given a case in a field they don’t have experience with, 但马丁内斯指出,D.C. 酒吧公益中心配对澳门赌场官网与专家导师, 以及一位来自中心的后备专家导师. Even if you’re not an expert, she 说s, you can have a big impact. “无论你做什么,看似微不足道,却意义重大 . . . the difference between life in the street and life in a shelter,” she 说s. “我们(澳门赌场官网)有很大的能力提供帮助.”

至于加班? “我不认为这是更多的工作,”她说. “我真的很享受.”
